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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Garnanzo's defence weakened

The player transfer of Harold Garnham to The Squirrels FC has up until now been shrouded in a miasma of mystery. However, a leak of this original purchase agreement has casted doubt onto Garnanzo's: "I categorically deny all allegations of perversion/ inappropriate behaviour not befitting a person of my reputation". The contract shows Garnanzo's transfer from a widely criticised German club, who have radical and insidious ideals, to the Squirrels.

A SpokesBigMens for the Badgers was not impressed nor surprised and stated, "Well, indeed. Is it surprising that The Squirrels would stoop so low to get their mitts on the best players around? No, it's not. Is it surprising that this unscroupulous team would sign unscroupulous players? No, it's not. The Badgers know full well to watch their backs and their children when near the Squirrels."

purchase agreement (click image for full-size)

Posted at 15:42

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